It’s the Weather Stupid

The oceans are supposedly boiling, democrat heads are on fire.
A million Chicken Littles are screaming, the situations most dire.
Climate change aka weather, is going to be the cause of our deaths.
As we're pummeled and buffeted, as the heat deprives us of breath.
Look to the east, look to the west, look to the heavens, then believe.
The lunatics are running the asylum, they're only goal to deceive.
The doomsayers are self styled prophets, only full of themselves.
Its the left's new religion of doom, into which their naysayers delve.
Fear mongering runs rampant, mother nature is taking us down.
She's the left's newest scapegoat, she's going to see us all drown.
The left has their own scientists, saying whatever gets them paid.
Hollywood makes hundreds of movies and the narrative's made.
One backs up the other, and conservatives are weather deniers.
While the left hires nutjobs to go around setting forest fires.
Summers are hotter than winters, which proves global smarming.
The left's new religion is stupid, and it's way past alarming.
Its alarming that half of the country stupidly falls for their crap.
We're rushing down a slippery slope, into the climate change trap.
It's their route to control us, to lock us down in tight little ghettos.
The left tells more lies than the woodenheaded son of Geppetto.
Difference is their noses aren't growing, just their bankrolls.
Plus every day they get closer to fulfilling Lucifer's evil goals.
We need to pull the rug from under them, upset their applecart.
And go back to when weather was weather, how's that for a start.
If they're so into warming and dying, send the whole crew to Hell.
Once they're out of the picture, everything will be just swell.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/6/23