It’s Your Choice

What's wrong with pandering, it's the American way.
What's wrong with lying if it get's you through the day.
Why not break promises, if they're purpose was served.
Why not take the credit, when it's not deserved.
If you've created mass fear, why not take advantage.
It's the perfect kind of crisis, for you to mismanage.
Why not pay for votes, it's what tax dollars are for.
Why not build a border wall with revolving doors.
With a good imagination there's so much you can do.
You elected a braindead president, you see it's true.
Imagine your hand full of money and he will oblige.
Imagine food on your table, he'll take that in stride.
Imagine your enemies are those maga republicans.
Unlike you and yours they're not real Americans.
Why not be a hypocrite, if it deflects trouble from you.
Why not be a two-faced liar if one face speaks true.
Why walk the straight and narrow, when crooked is fine.
Why listen to others, why should you toe the line.
Why read useless books full of other folks words.
See them for what they are, worthless a*s turds.
Why obey any laws, when you can go your own way.
Why act so surprised when the cops blow you away
Life does require choices, go ahead, do what you will.
You'll never be by yourself, as you're burning in Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/20/23
