Joe’s on the Rebound?

Is Joe on a rebound, is his brain on the mend.
Is he quick like a greyhound, or fast cutting wind.
Has he regained our trust, is he less apt to shuffle.
Has he lost that hard crust, no more senseless kerfuffles.
Has he stopped taking drugs, has the fog cleared.
Have they worked out the bugs, is he now more endeared.
Does he know what he's doing, or recall what he's done.
Is he done commie wooing, done ptotecting his son.
Has he gave up his pipedream, of a second term.
Is he picking up steam, is his handshake more firm.
Can he answer a question, with honest replies.
Without hesitation, or prepared canned lies.
Is he off of his high horse, has he returned to earth.
Is he changing his course, is he now pro-life and pro-birth.
Is he fully invilved in Making America Great Again.
Is he possibly forsaking, his long life of unconfessed sin.
No more smoke and mirrors, no more anything goes.
Is he done promoting perverts dressed in panty-hose.
What is my point, what am I thinking or attempting to say..
Don't let Joe Biden fool you, he's a long ways from okay,
He's a walking disaster, what he touches, turns to shit.
He's on a puppet's agenda and his master won't quit.
So do your own homework, The truth will jump out.
Joe Biden's a moron, You'll be left with no doubt.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/22/22