Joe’s Slipping Away

His skin lost any semblance of color, fishbelly white.
He looked like death warmed over, on a dark night.
He's whisked off to the beach to burn in the sun.
Hoping for a nice ruddy complexion, when he's done.
Instead he looks like a corpse, a sun boiled lobster.
A fitting look for a ghoul, a corruptocrat mobster.
He can't look more manly, he's too close to death.
He's so weak, when, he sits down he loses his breath.
He's paraded in front of us, for a few moments a day.
Like a terrible nightmare that just won't go away.
His spindly white legs, can't move through the sand.
The beach chair he's dragging, such a strong man.
Ogling the children, a cornucopia for perverts.
He thinks he's so manly, he strips off his shirt.
Cameras are clicking, there are titters galore.
A fitting depiction of a demented publicity whore.
He seems to be on vacation every other damn day.
He's not running the country, why shouldn't he play.
A moraless monster, an old slobbering ghoul.
He thinks everyone loves him, good grief what a fool.
His trip to the beach over, he's ready for ice cream.
Then a four hour nap, hopefully some nice dreams.
Whose pulling his strings, whose bought Joe's soul.
Who's pulled off this con job, to what end or goal.
There's so much evil on display, could it be the devil.
I hear this more and more, I think it's on the level.
Joe Biden is compromised in more ways than one.
If he ever had a conscience, it's pretty much gone.
What else can we expect with a puppet in power.
Besides being led into America's darkest hour.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/31/23