Demonic doctors, hacking up babies.
Demonrat radicals, infected with rabies.
Purple haired fat women, hogs on the hoof.
Out on the street, raising the roof.
Studs on their faces, rings in their nose.
Spinning in circles, just like Twinkle-Toes.
Spouting their clap-trap, shaking the earth.
Mommy looks on, regretting their birth.
It’s only the homely, wish they weren’t born.
Drowning their sorrow, making “fat” porn.
Men in high-heels , transgender queens.
Thinking theyre relevant, making the scene.
Strutting haughtily, flashing their stuff.
Spectators barfing, they’ve seen enough.
Performing for children, grooming young minds.
Mistakenly thinking, it takes all kinds.
Their kind’s anathema, scorned roundly by all.
They can’t get it through an inpenetrable skull.
Brainwashed college kids, bring up the rear.
Thinking their smarter than they appear.
Heads full of nonsense, stupid on display.
Thinking Marxism is the word of the day.
It’s quite the web, the demonrats weave.
Full of nitwits and dimwits, so ripe to deceive.
A gaggle of idiots, a sashay of poltroons.
Bugs Bunny’s favorites, a bunch of maroons.
Joe Biden’s shock troops, he calls his kids.
Who missed their abortions, passed over by SIDS.
D.L. Crockett — 7/15/22