Joking Around?

The press was anxiously waiting for Joe to come out.
He had a major announcement, no one knew what about.
The TV cameras were rolling, Joe would be seen far and wide.
Peter Doocy was expecting the general rant on white pride.
Ideas of what Joe was up to were varied and many.
Someone even whispered joe would be jacked up on bennies.
The crowd grew more restless the longer they waited.
Joe needed to show himself, their curiosity must be sated.
The stage door finally opened and Joe's aide wandered in.
He couldn't stop laughing, not a good way to begin.
Stand for the President he said, suppressing a laugh.
Everyone was thinking, tommorow, he'd be off of Joe's staff.
You could hear a pin drop, when Joe finally appeared.
Then after looking at Joe, the room erupted in jeers.
There stood Joe Biden in high heels and pink pantyhose.
With a purple wig on his head and tinkling bells on his toes.
He wore a tu-tu round his middle, his make-up was thick.
 He said he was out of the closet, we should call him Mr. Dick.
Everyone finally had noticed, Joe had several toddlers in tow.
Where this show was headed no one wanted to know.
Joe's aide put on some music and Joe started to prance.
You could tell he'd been practicing how dragqueens dance
The cameras were rolling, Joe shuffled and spun.
He let go of the toddlers they took off on the run.
Between catcalls and taunts, the crowd rolled on the floor.
Suddenly in a mad rush, they all fled through the door.
Mr. Dick kept right on dancing in his outlandish attire.
The next day Joey's feet would be held to the fire.
But money changed hands, the story just disappeared.
The MSM got Joey's back and once again he was cleared.
This story is  factual,  the whole pressroom saw it.
I got it from anonymous sources and I'm stickin' to it.
There's a chance it wasn't Joe, could have been an imposter.
Besides Joe himself there's several more on his roster.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/5/23