Jump Ship Joe

Everything's turning to sh*t, someone had the nerve to tell Joe.
Look at yourself, you're covered in sh*t from head to toe.
You really stepped in it, thinking you could handle this job.
In no time everyone realized you're a compromised lying slob.
The truth's come to light Joe, you should be covered in shame.
Everyone with the power of discernment sees you're to blame.
You took a working economy and trashed it on day one.
I guess that can happen, if your conscience is long gone.
You're a dirty old man Joe, like Hustler's, Chester the Molester.
You're a perverted degenerate, a fauning sexual aggressor.
No one on earth thinks its cute Joe, besides other pedos.
They'd tear you apart Joe, acting like that in the ghetto.
Put a leash on your nose and keep your hands to yourself.
Get your mind out of the gutter, we've had enough of your filth.
You should take it as a lesson, communism doesn't work.
Especially doomed if administered by a braindead old jerk.
Maybe Obama could package communism in a sellable way.
His tongue comes sugarcoated, the fools won't turn away.
 You Joe are too stupid for words, you're no longer so glib.
You repeat your lies so often, folks caught on to your fibs.
Past criminal deeds are bringing your decrepit a*s down.
You should be a good demonrat, jump ship and leave town.
Theres a better man for the job, your nemesis Donald Trump.
The Donald whose seat you usurped, you egregious old chump.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/30/23