Just a Biden Flunky

In defence of Joe Biden, what can Jeanne Pierre say.
Besides, I refer you to so and so, and then look away.
She won't answer hard questions, concerning Joe Biden.
If it's not in her notebook, it's an answer she's hiding.
Joe Biden doesn't pay her, she's not working for him.
She should answer our questions, not at Joe Biden's whim.
Why was this woman hired, is it because she's gay.
She sure doesn't earn, the tax dollars she's being paid.
We deserve straight answers not a demonrat's subterfuge.
Passing the proverbial buck is her way of seeking refuge.
She deserves to be hounded, till we get straight answers.
If she can't do that maybe she should be transfered.
To a more suitable job, like sweeping crap under rugs.
Or maybe a high paid spokesperson for Antifa thugs.
Her propped up in our faces, covering for Joe Biden's lies.
Is a mockery of our values and shows she's compromised.
She's a flunkie for Biden, only there to cover Joe's back.
Like she lies to American's about Hunter and his crack.
Or the influence peddling, which she kicks up the line.
Someone else can answer for Joe, she won't even opine.
Where's the transparency, we were promised by Joe.
It won't come from Jeanne Pierre, not from her piehole.
Transparency and Joe Biden, won't be found together.
It's all smoke and mirrors like the left's ephemeral weather.
Hang in there Ms. Press Secretary, we hear what you can't say.
We know this administration and the games you all play
So keep your lips buttoned, don't you let the truth slip.
Hang onto your notebook of lies, and your snooty quips.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/9/23