Just an Old Nothing

The country's been led into a world of hurt.
If the left has it's way we'll be eating dirt.
Eating dirt and loving it, that's what they say.
I'm not at all happy with this game the fools play.
I'll exercise my free speech, tell them to get lost.
 Their communist plans come at too high a cost.
Take your pipedreams and shove'em right up your ass.
 At an opportune  time your pipedreams will pass.
The day you go to prison, along with your crew.
Your butt-kissing sycophants, your crime family too.
You're only a puppet, it's hand caught in the till.
A top secrets peddler, with a country to sell.
There's someone behind you, an essence of evil.
You are nothing but a small cog in the big wheel.
You spread the lies they put in your head.
The lies soon forgot, you claim you never said.
It's easy to lie if you've been programmed.
Unaware of the future to which you are damned.
You're a life-long coward, the weakest of men.
A front man for others, you profit from sin.
Losers sing your praises, your head swells with pride.
While Lucifer's hand strokes your backside.
Someone has an agenda, it's clear it's not you.
You just read their script, an old useful fool.
Tossed out with the trash, on the garbage heap.
Is the end of the line for a worthless old creep.
You're in way over your head, it's sad you don't know.
That someone with a brain is running the show.
Why not bow out now, find another safe space.
And get your creepy old  a*s, out of this race.
Before you take a big tumble, cracking open your skull.
You're just a dumb Humpty-Dumpty, set up for a fall.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/21/23