Kick Scum to the Curb

The trannies moved on to their other charades.
I'm glad they're so proud of their ungodly parades.
Now they can go forward with twisting young minds.
Destroying parents dreams, teaching lies of all kinds.
Children are susceptable, to their evil claptrap.
The demonic bullsh*t that spews from their yaps.
Drag Queens let their hair down, inflate giant tits.
Allowed to flaunt to the children their perverse bullsh*t.
If children are born perverted, why are they taught.
If they don't like their sex they can switch what they got.
Schools are for learning, not for indoctrination.
The transgender blight that's sweeping the nation.
Drag Queen story hours, another platform for lies.
A nightmare pushed by Biden, what an evil surprise.
It's what American's want, at least that's how it's sold.
The left loves these monsters, that's how it's polled.
I don't believe any polls, polls are so simple to rig.
 Molestors parading as women, are getting these gigs
It's the gay agenda from hell, raising it's ugly head.
The democrats are succeeding, commonsense is dead.
They brainwash the children endarken the parents.
The whole country is becoming Satan's evil adherents.
There's no godgiven right that perverts can teach kids.
Filling young heads with garbage about flipping their ids.
The schools must be purged of this kind of filth.
We need to do more to protect our kids mental health.
These creeps need to be vetted, teachers unions busted.
We must take greater care, to whom our kids are entrusted.
We have evil scumbags on schoolboards who act invincible.
What's to be expected with unprincipled principals.
Let's put the brakes on and kick the scum to the curb.
Trusting demonrats with the kids is much more than absurd.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/16/23