Land of the Woke

They wander wretchedly in the land of the left.
No foundation to build on, no honest precept.
With eyes only half open, what can they see.
With dreams cast to the side, what can they be.
 No goals to work towards, their lives are a waste.
With a hunger for power, and no class or taste.
They find paths well trodden that lead them nowhere.
Away from thier true potential and into despair.
 They despise and hate those, who have not lost their way.
Their misery seeks company, to brighten their day.
Downward  they spiral, lost and alone.
Drowning in self-denial, No thought to atone.
Of the truth they are ignorant and blind to the light.
 They wander pathetically,  to Satan's delight.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/17/22