Licking America

If the world needs licking Joe Biden's the man.
He's good at screwing the pooch aka Afghanistan.
Whatever he's doing, he's doing it wrong.
The aura of failure about him is strong.
The fool operates with his head up his a*s.
A man with no conscience and very low class.
His judgement is lacking, his thinking unsound.
 He's a blind fool in a china shop, bumbling around.
The question arises, who's controlling this fool?
Who empties his diaper and wipes up his drool.
Who composes the messages he cannot read.
Who wakes him up by giving him speed.
Leads him around like a child, holding his hand.
Puts the words in his mouth we can't understand.
Is it China's fearless leader, or Barack and Michele.
Could it be he's enslaved by the Master of Hell.
The world is watching, this is a total disgrace.
We have a fool in the Whitehouse taking up space.
Is it the Easter Bunny, I'm not being funny.
Who puts the batteries in our energized dummy.
Who pulls his strings, puts words in his mouth.
Who hides the truth about Joe's mental drought.
Who thinks Americans are dumber than rocks.
Fills Joe with the gibberish we hear when he talks.
His favorite advisor is Hunter Biden on crack.
With a whole cabinet packed with political hacks.
He insults our intelligence, he disses America.
Joe Biden the usurper, deserves our anathema.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/21/23