Lies About Lying

I want to write something but there's nothing to say.
My words won't stop democrats from acting this way.
I just sing to my choir, if i'm lucky they might applaud.
I'm never deceitful, I don't have a lying thought in my bod.
I know I won't ever change any democrat minds.
But I'm sick of their BS and their lies of all kinds.
Big lies, little lies, lies that don't make any sense.
Black lies, white lies, lies at their own expense.
New lies, old lies, lying when the truth is better.
Single lies, bunches of lies, lies about the weather.
Written lies, spoken lies, lies for all occasions.
Lies from idiots, from fools, lies from all persuasions.
Demonrat lies, rino lies, lies from every corner.
Dumb lies, stupid lies, lies from illegal foreigners.
Hurtful lies, harmful lies, lies from worthless leaders.
Lies on the go, lies on the fly, lies from mass deceivers.
Broadcast lies, MSM lies, liars in our faces.
Petty lies, paltry lies, lies from all the races.
Our leaders lie, our teachers lie, liars in high places.
Trans lies, pedo lies, lying from safe spaces.
Lies about lies, lies about nothing, lies for no reason.
Lies from our corrupt leader,  lying about treason.
Visual lies, oral lies, even crying fake tears.
Lies, lies and more lies, it's all anyone hears.
Truth is buried with lies, everywhere pants are on fire.
The truth of it all, the situation's grown dire.
The liars keep lying, the people no longer care.
As long as they steal from us and they get their share.
The system is rigged to protect the deceivers.
No one gives a hoot, about us truth believers.
So the lying goes on, the lies will never stop.
Not until the curtain of doom finally drops.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/19/23
