Living With Idiots

Living with idiots aka living with todays commies.
It's a useless endeavor even for their own mommies.
How does one live with fools that hate everyone.
That want what you've got, or else want you gone.
They're in love with the fool they see in the mirrors.
They love being scared by the Left's mongered fears.
They love stupid causes, Antifa, comes to mind.
They love playing follow the leader if the leader is blind.
They protest global warming, though headed to Hell.
They love Joseph Biden, impaired thinking as well.
They love everything stupid, that's why they're scum.
They love books about dummies, on how to act dumb.
They love to be complimented on how stupid they are.
Their favorite game is packing fools in clown cars.
Being detriments to society is their main goal in life.
They live off government handouts a life without strife.
Their faces are decorated with any bauble that's shiny.
After death autopsies reveal brains damaged and tiny.
They never grow up,  they're the dregs of society.
They worship commie fools, Karl Marx is their deity.
They're the left's cannon fodder, they riot and burn.
It always ends in bloodshed, yet the left never learns.
There's always more idiots falling for the same lies.
If we blow up the world, it stops, but everyone dies.
It's the conundrum we live with, the unsolvable puzzle.
Should everyone on the Left, be nuetered and muzzled.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/22/23
