The queers have been gathering, the call has gone out.
The devil is dancing and prancing about.
The children are nestled all snug in their beds.
While groomers dream of lies to fill their small heads.
There’s not enough perverts, they must create more.
They’re out of their closets to even some score.
They think they’ve been wronged, and get no respect.
They deserve nothing more than our total neglect.
They have an agenda that comes straight from Hell.
A script written for them, it’s their mission to sell.
To swell the ranks of the creeps with innocent kids.
Hoping to confuse them into flipping they’re id’s.
Disney steps up to show us, they’re proud to be queer.
They’re happy to see America’s morals disappear.
What is it they want. Do they want God to step in.
And wipe them off the face of the Earth once again.
Girls are born girls and boys are born boys.
They’re not born sick and twisted to be perverts toys.

D.L. Crockett — 6/2/22