Misguided Idiots

Tell us your feelings pobrecito, we really do care.
We see your cry for help, with your purple hair.
We know you hate America, we even know why.
Your education was wasted, your head filled with lies.
Communism isn't a good thing, neither is oafish behavior.
Going through life as a victim, does you no favors.
If your life is so terrible, cry me a handful of tears.
You seem to be trapped in leftist smoke and mirrors.

It's sad you've been brainwashed, it isn't our fault.
Show me where you're hurting, I'll rub in some salt.
Poor baby, poor little misguided, useful schmuck.
Your head's filled with nonsense, just your dumb luck.
In the land of milk and honey, you're happy with nothing.
If you had just gone to work you could have had something.
You have no discernment, you see the truth as lies.
The reason you feel rejected is you're not a great prize.

Being stupid and woke is a recipe for disaster.
You can't be someone's useful idiot and be your own master.
It's time you open your eyes and see the forest is the trees.
Time to quit begging for nothing and get off of your knees.
No one is holding you down, quit sucking hind teat.
Quit being a perpetual victim, stand on your own feet.
Life is there for the living, quit whining and move on.
Life has no use for losers, whose commonsense is long gone.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/28/23