The bulwarks of freedom are daily assaulted.
On his oath of office, Biden has defaulted.
His defence of our constitution has been abrogated.
His destructive behavior cannot be overstated.
Our God-given rights must be okayed by him.
He uses EO’s to change them on political whim.
What was right is now wrong, or so he claims.
Those who are righteous, the left now defames.
The Left’s evil has permeated to America’s core.
The left has unwillingly become Lucifer’s whore.
It’s all about self-indulgence, anything goes.
Right in God’s face, they’re thumbing their nose.
No fear of God’s wrath, no consequence to be paid.
With morals out the window, why not act depraved.
Perverts are applauded, lauded as brave heroes.
The dregs of society, too many Robert DeNiros.
The altar of abortion, the greatest sin against God.
Is a gift from the adversary, The Master of Fraud.
Who was cast out of Heaven to brainwash us here.
To meddle with our salvation, what we once held dear.
His path is for losers, who have no fear of Hell.
They will suffer there for eternity, they most assuredly will.
As for Brandon the Fraud, his day will rapidly come.
The same for the rest of the vermin and scum.
Too late they will realize, they walk the wrong path.
You cannot mock God’s law and not feel his wrath.
D.L. Crockett — 8/8/22


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