There's a breakdown of morality in the democrat community.
Is it caused by Brandon the Uniter, the sower of disunity.
There's a democrat pogrom, in play against the cops.
Defund them, attack them, until all law enforcement stops .
Who's pushing this insanity, what is their final goal.
Do they seek to shut down society, taking total control.
Is this their stupid  reset, their commie red new deal.
Putting law abiding citizens, under the jackboots heal.
Create a crisis of immorality, then blame the moral right.
Then shut down this democracy to prevent a righteous fight.
Our president is a coward, the puppet leader of this mess.
Who's behind this piece of offal, that is anybodies guess.
Biden is incompetent, a posturing, weak kneed clown.
He should be in a nursing home, wearing a backless gown.
There's a cancer eating Washington, ignorance reigns supreme.
Stupid politicians, wanting to destroy the Founders dream.
 One that's worked for 246 years, now these jackals want it gone.
In favor of another proven failure, another commie dawn.
 One that leads to mass starvation, pestilence and death.
Millions of oppressed peons, drawing subjugated breath.
It's not meant to help the people, it's about power and control.
Benefiting the immoral, who to the devil sold their souls.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/29/22