Mr. Mulvain-He

Don't you feel sorry for Dylan, the poor thing cries in it's beer.
He says he isn't complaining, in truth it seems pretty clear.
It sounds like he's boobing and whining, playing the victim game.
Maybe he should sue himself, for putting his dumb a*s to shame.
He made money for drinking Bud Light, he should be happy with that.
Now he's looking for handouts, shamelessly passing the hat.
He's a victim of transgender bias, which to me seems pretty queer.
Budweiser's lost billions, for giving poor Dylan a six pack of beer.
People are sick of woke bullsh*t, that's the truth of the matter.
We're sick of the pandering ads, and all the transgender blather.
Sick of the LGBTQ+ in our faces, sick of these moraless fools.
You can't force folks to respect, people who dress up like ghouls.
Dylan has had his fifteen minutes, now he wants fifteen more.
It's easy to describe his motives, we call it a publicity whore.
Budweiser made a huge mistake by dumping on Bud Light drinkers.
The company has gone woke and hired to many woke thinkers.
They misjudged their consumers, stupidly pandered to "WOKE"
It's no one's fault but their own, Bud Light has turned into a joke.
The same thing happened to Disney, they went way off the grid.
To much LGBTQ+ pandering in movies they market to kids.
Stupid decisions by woke executives, pushing their woke idealogy.
Nothing but newfangled grooming, an assault on true biology.
Budweiser it seems got the message, Disney just doubled down.
The company's infested with morons, they don't wake up, they drown.
It's not about you Mr. Mulvaney, you're just a victim of "WOKE"
You as a spokesman for Budweiser, too bad you don't get the joke.
Budweiser was a beverage for men, not for wannabe-whats.
Their ad money was foolishly spent, be happy with what you got.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/9/23