Musings of a Madman

What about my rights?  Joe Biden was thinking.
As he smiles at AG, Merrick Garland, silently winking.
I'm guilty till you say I'm innocent, and file no charges.
Even though there's enough proof to fill several barges.
Why should I be worried, I know you've got my back.
The same goes for Hunter, wink wink, it wasn't his crack.
Keep doing things my way, make sure everythings swell.
I'll fill your bank account out of the Treasury's till.
No questions asked, you need only tell me how much.
With the taxpayers money, I'm quite the soft touch.
Pass the message on to Wray, that mum is the word.
He's doing great lying to congress, though he looks absurd.
Deny deny deny, still seems to work every damn time.
I'm Joe Biden, I'm innocent, I've committed no crimes.
I say that with a straight face, as I lie through my teeth.
There's no threshold of scum I won't sink beneath.
I worry about Hunter though, can I trust a crackhead.
He's doing so much crack the poor could boy wind up dead.
If we all keep it together, I could win the coming election.
I need more of those blue pills, Jill likes my erections.
No one needs to worry, I've got it all under control.
That was part of the deal, when I sold Satan my soul.
I've got lifetime protection a la the master of fraud.
These fools can't touch me, I'm Brandon the demigod.
I've been promised 4 more years, we'll see how it goes.
After that, King of the Earth, I'll run the whole show.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/15/23