My Soapbox

How much more of this bullsh*t are we willing to take.
How much more of them telling us America's no longer great.
How much more of the pandering to pedos and perverts.
How much more fear mongering and panicked alerts.
How many more lies from leaders we can no longer trust.
Who want nothing more than to see our speech shushed.
How much more of their evil, masquerading as good.
 Of their blatant ignoring of black on black crime in the hood.

How much longer before the people's patience is gone.
Before everyone's sick of how these fools carry on.
Before everyone sees what a puppet, Joe Biden is.
And see the agenda he talks about is not even his.
Before the people speak saying, "Satan, get thee hence"
And quit hoping for better while straddling the fence.
How many more precious children perverted by groomers.
How much more of  God's truth's spun into rumors.

How long can we support leaders without any morals.
 Speaking to us condescendingly in nonsensical quarrels.
How long before the woke finally go back to sleep.
When we rid our highest offices of liars and creeps.
These fools aren't our superiors, they're abusers of power.
Who are leading this country into our darkest hour.
Get up off your butts, jump on the soapbox with me.
Let's turn America back into the LAND OF THE FREE!

Let's get rid of swamp critters, tear down the deep state.
Let's elect politicians with whom we can relate.
Let's say good riddance to panderers and government thieves.
To dishonest appointed officials and the webs they all weave.
Let's remove the backstabbers, throw them under the bus.
Let's do it to them, before the creeps do it to us.
Let's say so long to Brandon, let's get rid of the clowns.
Let's build America up again, before they tear it down.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/11/23