My Soul Is Mine

The truth has been buried, the economy trashed.
Our heroes torn down, burned and smashed.
When was the last time you heard good news.
That wasn't some demonrats twisted views.
When was the last time you believed what you heard.
How many corrupt politicians have the people endured.
How many promises broken, too many damn fools elected.
How many good people, cast aside, disrespected.
We cannot be forced to travel their evil path.
Before something snaps and they feel our wrath.
I will not be commanded, I will not be controlled.
I will not sell out or lose control of my soul.
I will stand up, my voice loud and clear will be heard.
I will not be silenced or have my message deterred.
I will not be talked down to, by despots and creeps.
Self-serving monsters from the swamps stygian deeps.
The left's program of enslavement must be put on the ropes.
We can't afford to give another inch to these dopes.
We must bring them up short, we must shatter their dreams.
We must let everyone know, we're on our Savior's team.

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