Netanyahu:A Real Man

In his eyes we see Netanyahu is thinking, "Woe is us"
This Joe Biden buffoon is throwing Israel under the bus.
It sounds like he's in bed with Iran, with a knife for our back.
Everything Garbled Crock said is true about this demoquack.
He sits here speaking gibberish, completely insincere.
There must be something about our enemies this idiot fears.
He acts like he's comiserating, but there aren't any tears.
Does he know what he's saying, I don't think he even hears.
He's reading a pre-written message, nothing heartfelt.
 Almost like he's hiding some form of involvement or guilt.
He enabled Iran to fund Hamas, he's a backstabbing fool.
I feel dishonored sitting here while he slobbers and drools.
I'm sure he's here with a bribe, here to offer me tons of money.
To let up on the Palestinians, well I don't think he's funny.
This fool sold us out to the devil, he's full of Obama's gall.
He ain't no kind of peacekeeper with the rocks in his skull.
Go home Joe, that is unless you're really here to confess.
How your selling out to the Iranians created this damn mess.
You don't care about death and destruction in Israeli streets.
You reall do have two faces both of them conveying deceit.
You can't slow down our Israeli juggernaut using useless words.
Your promises of support are nothing but a mishmash of turds.
D.L. Crockett -- 10/23/23