I lost my bearings, I wound up in L.A..
The stink in the air seemed there to stay.
I could not smell the ocean, I smelled only pee.
No more refreshing smell off the sea.
No one seemed happy, nobody smiled.
On the sidewalks human feces were piled.
I saw people shooting drugs on the street.
I had to be careful, where I put my feet.
There were posters of Newsom, on every pole.
Smiling widely like a man with no soul.
Where were the police, I didn't see one.
Any semblance of law and order was gone.
I was approached by beggars, I wanted to flee.
Around here I wouldn't recommend hugging a tree.
What had become of the city I knew.
The City of Angels with skies always blue.
The land of promise, the Pearl of the west.
Paradise on Earth, the folks were the best.
What I saw was Hell, a plague on the earth.
The denizens I saw had no self-worth.
It was obvious the mayor didn't care.
He likely avoided this scene of despair.
He lived in a castle, ignoring this scene.
The result of free drugs and terrible hygeine.
The American Dream had abandoned L.A.
An exodus of good citizens moving away.
The earth moved beneath me and started to shake.
Was this the end it all promised earthquake.
The ground opened beneath me, I started to fall.
I woke up in my bedroom, hugging the wall.
It was all a bad dream, I was safe in Utah.
 We still have clean streets, respect for the law.
Did I have a vision of what was to come.
I'm glad I don't live there, it's just where I'm from.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/25/23