No Accounting

No accounting for the brains of eighty million Americans.
Who gave us the Biden crime family and crew of barbarians.
No accounting for the taste, of a clueless democrat base.
No telling what they might do in an attempt to save face.
No one knows who might get hurt, who might disappear.
Who might still be standing, when the smoke finally clears.
No accounting for the deadbeats, demonrats have cajoled.
Who fall for the lies and promises, they're so easily sold.
Who expect something for nothing, demanding fair shares.
Of what other folks worked for, thinking it should be theirs.
No accounting for the perverts who parade in our streets.
The groomers of toddlers, proffering their tainted sweets.
Who are subverting innocent young minds, to ungodly things.
Who don't share the morals to which godfearing folks cling.
No accounting for politicians and their thirst for power.
Who have led the American people into our darkest hour.
We're to be happy with nothing,  while grabbing all they can.
Who think we're blind to the truth, to their communist plan.
Whose nests are well feathered, when our shelves are bare.
Sticking knives in our backs, whispering how they care.
No accounting for the sycophants, who side with the devil.
Who think Satan's fraud and deceit to always be on the level.
Those who denigrate our religion, mocking our faith in our God.
Preferring the temporal trinkets from the master of fraud.
No accounting for commie sympathizers and their adherents.
Who worship commie ideology as America's heir apparent.
Mistakenly thinking Americans will give up our dreams.
Who think we will accede to the left's nightmarish schemes.
No accounting for the stupidity, that's rampant in the land.
Let's hope those behind this evil, will be cast out and damned.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/30/23