No Defence Pence

Knowing his campaign's going nowhere, Pence's true colors come out.
His despicable rino tendencies, shows what Pence is truly about.
Another politician without scruples, another knife in our backs.
What's the payoff selling out to the devil and the damn demoquacks.
Is it another sell out for big money, is it a play for his own self esteem.
Has Pence been caught up in some democrat blackmailing scheme.
We know he hates Donald Trump, for his own unrealized aspirations.
Can he possibly think that Joe Biden is the best man for our nation.
Do the rinos feel threatened, are they finally crossing their Rubikon.
 is it just Trump Derangement Syndrome, they make their decisions on.
There was a time when Pence was respected, that's out the window.
I didn't like Trump's accusations of Pence, shows how much I know.
Trump had him pegged right, he isn't the good man he claims to be.
Just another petty politician, in search of his own self ascendency.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/5/23