The lies keep coming the charade carries on.
Biden wonders why the trust of the people is gone.
He sees signs cursing his name, kids flipping the bird.
His words incite catcalls, he wishes he never heard.
He wants retribution, he wants MAGA heads to roll.
He wants trust restored to his office, God bless his soul.
He's turned into a laughingstock, Joe isn't joking.
No point in asking, how much dope the fool's smoking.
The jeers and the laughter, brings him to fake tears.
He suffers great mental anguish that nobody hears.
You've thrown the book at the Donald, who's hurting now.
You, you stupid old man, thinking you're some sacred cow.
You're habit of lying is smacking you right in the face.
Maybe you should crawl back into your hidey hole space.
You're wasting our Treasury, thinking you're buying votes.
What you should really be doing, is taking some notes.
The world is laughing, Vladimir Putin calls you a putz.
He sees you as a bag of hot air that doesn't have any guts.
Our allies want Trump back not some unprogrammable fool.
There's something wrong in your psyche, Mister wanna be cool.
You can add my jeers to the boos, my finger to the flock.
My disdain to your legacy, and less time on your clock.
You ain't worth the space you take up, the nonsense you babble.
You're the lowest of lowlifes, you belong with the rabble.
You ain't worth the time I'm wasting, writing about you.
There's no chance in Hell You'll realize everything's true.
Go right ahead making a fool of your damn worthless self.
Your life's reached it's apex, you can't get higher than filth.
So keep spreading the lies, tell us how we are blessed.
Keep it in the back of your mind that no ones impressed.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/20/24