Off the Tracks

I loosened my tongue and I let'er rip, 
I was no longer a couch potatoe, I started to trip.
I tore him up one side and down the other.
I called him a communist dog, I disparaged his mother.
I let him have it, I was sick of the lies,
Every time the fool spoke there was no surprise.

Every day he sinks to a new moral low,
The world is watching, does Joe Biden know.
He caters to perverts, slanders the right.
,the Shining City, is no longer bright.
He imperils the people, caters to sin,
turning America into Satan's playpen.

There's no moral compass left on the left,
at fighting against good they're quite adept.
It's always the same, the right isn't right,
They're proud to be woke, up in the night.
Beating their gums, selling new deals,
the GOP stands aside, spinning their wheels.

Biden does nothing but stammer and gibber,
reading us lies, the left's biggest fibber.
As Ollie would say "It's a fine mess we're in"
America's finished if the left wins again.
Though Joe's mind is gone, he's off to the races.
The finest example of the left's overt racists.