On The Beach

Joe Biden at the Beach, was it meant to impress.
Or meant to inspire pity, seeing Biden undressed.
A fishbelly pale old man, showing off his weak arms.
 Thinking he still has, his vanished youthfull charms.
He packed in his own stuff, a 2 pound beach chair.
He didn't even carry it, he dragged it out there.
People were taking pictures, cam-corders were rolling.
I'm sure the MSM's praises will as usual be glowing.
Joe isn't old and rundown, he isn't a feeble old man.
He's in top physical shape, 2024's still his plan.
He can do another four years, standing on his head.
His mind's strong as ever, he's not on any new meds.
He's just on the old ones, like ritilin, cocaine and meth.
Maybe that's why he looks like warmed over death.
He still claims he's gonna beat Trump like a drum.
He's no picture of strength, Biden's a picture of dumb.
If Joe's so alert, why doesn't he see he's wore out.
It's why he likes to whisper, he can no longer shout.
He wears an oxygen mask, has strap marks on his face.
He doesn't know where he's going, he's led every place.
His base really loves him, unable to beieve their own eyes.
With his retinue of idiots, it's certainly no big surprise.
He can't whistle through the cemetary, he stumbles and falls.
It's lucky when he faceplants, he hasn't broken his skull.
It's all practiced deceit, with demonrat fools in control.
Keeping Joe Biden propped up is the left's only goal.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/11/23