Opinion Nation

The opinions of minions mean nothing to me.
Be they bought and paid for or given for free.
Be they minions of Satan, or minions of Joe.
 Spouting rote nonsense, we don't need to know.
Their usual opinions, are not their own words.
So often repeated the meaning gets blurred.
Opinionated is fine if sharing your ''THOUGHTS".
Not the words of brainwashers, like obedient bots.
No one will hear, if you scream in their face.
Don't be surprised if they spray you with mace.
Opinions are like a-holes, everyone's got one.
 Recall before speaking, what planet you're on.
This isn't Bizarro world, you're still on earth.
You were probably sane the day of your birth.
Chanting stupid opinions is the tool of a fool.
 Parents wasted money to send you to school.
Keep that in mind the next time you opine.
Opinions mean nothing, unless they're mine.
Mine are thought through, cogent and wise.
I think before speaking, avoid telling lies.
It isn't surprising that people listen to me.
I don't force them to listen, they can disagree.
Hearing your leftist dogma, folks just walk away.
They might listen if you have something to say.
Think for yourself, keep a civil tongue in your head.
It's not empty words if people hear what you said.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/21/23