About “Putin’s Price Hike”, what can I say.
More disinformation that Brandon spreads every day.
He mumbles and stumbles and opens his mouth.
The truth like his mind, disappears to the south.
His lies are atrocious, yet fools still believe.
The idiots seem to line up, for Joe to deceive.
I cannot blame Putin for the high price of gas.
I blame Joe Biden cause he’s a solo jacka*s.
He has no clue what he’s doing, no clue what he’s done.
He has no idea, how a country is run.
He’s being controlled by some unknown piece of crap.
Still all of the blame will land in Joe’s lap.
He’s taking us down, claiming he’s not a divider.
He’s given us nothing so he’s not a provider.
He’s a bonafide liar, he’s a simpering fool.
The farthest thing from becoming Joe Cool.
He’s lost in the weeds, nothing going at all.
There’s no better picture of a bumbling numbskull.
Calling him “Lunch Bucket Joe” is such a misnomer.
When it’s “Out to Lunch Joe” on the stool in the corner.
D.L. Crockett — 5/11/22