
My outrage is growing by leaps and by bounds.
How does an old reprobate keep escaping the hounds.
They should be hot on his heels, yet he shuffles away.
I guess they're not playing the same game he plays.
He's got some kind of protection, some cloaking device.
That hides his big stink, covers it like Old Spice
He's got the main stream media, that covers his tracks.
A lie for every outrageous occasion to distort the facts.
The man's a philanderer that wears really cheap suits.
A compromised commie cretin, from his head to his boots.
Half of the time he doesn't have a damn clue where he's at.
Yet somehow he got himself elected as the chief demonrat.
He sold us out to the Chinese and he sold us out to Iran.
Vladimir Putin says if he could vote that Joe Biden's the man.
Biden likes to think of himself as  the new teflon fool.
That he's got himself a pass for breaking all the rules.
His nest is well feathered, the rest of his family is rich.
Except for Hunter who frittered it away scratching his itch.
The Biden's are low lifes, Joe Biden's a traitor at best.
He should be locked away in a prison, our lifelong guest.
Yet we still hear him blathering, he still knows how to deny.
His piehole flops open and we're treated to lie after lie.
There's no point in complaining, he'll just pardon himself.
And we'll be stuck with a new version of communist filth.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/22/24
