Who We Are
The clock keeps ticking, time barrels along. Day after day, we hear the same insipid song. The words mouthed by idiots, repeated by fools. Swallowed by morons, taught in our schools. Day after day the sun rises and sets in the west. The earth’s bounty is ours, we have been blessed. Some know the way…
Making Sense of Madness
I’m falling behind, thank God for Joe’s plan. I want to be happy with nothing as fast as I can. I’m slowly starving as all my cupboards go bare. I can’t wait to be happy when I’m existing on air. Even if I wanted to, I can no longer go to the store. My car…
Doctor Doctor
My doctor checked out my throat and was shocked what he saw. He asked, who’s been cramming all this bullsh*t down your craw. Well I said, I think it was Biden, Barack, of course the MSM news. Probably all those clueless dingbats who share asinine views. There’s probably some kangaroo courts, and fools like Jack…
Think Again Commiecrats
Democrat judges, also known as political hack activists. Make it up as they go along and the people are pissed. We’ve had more than enough, of misinterpreted laws. More than enough of bad rulings crammed down our craws. The same with piece of crap lawyers who should be disbarred. Who bring frivolous lawsuits, should be…
From the Top Down
Hunter’s been indicted, he says it’s killing his dad. Most American’s are thinking, that’s too frigging bad. Hunter says the GOP wants him dead, I want him in jail. It’s the best way to detox, going cold-turkey won’t fail. Just like some tweeker, he blames everyone but himself. It’s not my fault, him and his…
Joe’s Christmas Message
His face cracked into an evil sh*teating grin. He proceeded haranging us with insipid spin. Not allowed to take questions, he stupidly stared. America in the hands of an idiot, the world despaired. They rolled out the teleprompter, he looked confused. He said something inane, no one was amused. His mouth dropped open in that…
Tell Me Please
I chucked one up for Biden, the bile he crams down my throat. He makes me sick with his pandering, always looking for votes. How many idiots are there, how many fools can a college churn out. Who does the thinking for Biden, who tells him what he’s about. Who took the meaning of life…
Too Many Liars
Joe Biden’s talking cause he’s a liar, a liar, that’s what Joe Biden Does. Joe and Barack are both liars, big liars, The reason I can say that is well, because. If their mouths are open, they’re lying, both lying, you can’t believe a word these liars say. If not outright lying, they’re denying they’re…
What Open Eyes See
Intersectional hogwash, inconceivable dreams. Inclusivity and diversity, what does it all mean. It means they pander to idiots, morons and fools. The ones parents send to be brainwashed in our schools. No skill is needed to screw with kids brains. For the amount of money wasted, nothing is gained. Nothing but more democrat shills, more…
The Right Path
Born with great possibilities, into a family that cared. Bathed in love and devotion, that everyone shared. I had such promise, I was told I had a bright future. I believed I was special, surrounded by love I was nurtured. I grew strong and straight, a good christian upbringing. I thrived in the gospel, loved…