After the Coma
How can someone profess to believe, what they know is a lie. Why can they turn it into a hill on which they might die. How can someone hear gibberish, then clap and applaud. Doesn’t it define them as a damn fool and a fraud. How can someone watch a poor leader, a posturing fool.…
The Bandwagon
Jump on our bandwagon, the idiots scream. We’ll save your dumba**es from the American dream. We’ll train you to be racists, teach you to hate. We’ll throw a monkey wrench into your fates. We glorify laziness, we pander to fools. We’ll turn you into complacent communist tools. Come one come all, perverts and pedos, have…
Slaves of Stupidity
The democrat base has been transformed into slaves of stupidity. By elitist, pandering leaders whose brains have lost all lucidity. Be they black, brown, yellow or white, they are slaves of the state. Taught to be useless idiot victims, they don’t know how to relate. Public schools are the brainwashing tools of a communist Hell.…
Turning the Tables
CNN thought to make a fool of the Donald, boy, did he turn the tables on them. The left’s hopes of CNN slowing him down, went from a pipedream to grim. The Donald looked to be at his best, it seemed the audience harkened to him. What were the CNN bigwigs thinking, they wound up…
Knocking Them Dead
The Donald is knocking them dead, he’s killing it in the courtroom. Although the fools find him liable, He’s gonna lower his boom. He’s got a great sense of humor, democrats have forgot how to laugh. Five million is peanuts to Donald, he’s got billions, you do the math. He’ll make it up in free…
They Want You
The Left wants us off the highways, they want us out of the air. They want us sitting at home with nothing, wringing our hands in despair. They want our shelves to be empty, they don’t want us cooking with gas. They want our children perverted, by transgender goons in their class. They want us…
Is There Anything Worse
Is there anything worse than a fool with a plan. Like the quickest way to abandon Afghanistan. Or sinking tax dollars into an unwinnable war. Or pandering to minorities to fill a clown car. Maybe “green new deals” and “new world orders” Or perhaps the worst of all is wide open borders. Is there anything…
Red and Blue
The big cities are blue, the countryside’s red. Red areas are thriving, the cities are dead. The Cities are power-mad, they want it all. They want our resources at their beck and call. They scoff at our needs, mocking our views. We think for ourselves, they watch fake news. They want us off our land,…
It’s All Not So Good
Choosing to be unreasonable, when their stupid plans suck. Democrats double down on stupid and come after our bucks. They don’t think of the people, they think of the plan. The biggest fool in America is the democrats number one man. The biggest fearmongerer, the greatest panderer of all time. Throwing away trillions of dollars,…
The Morning Joe
He wickedly grinned through his yellowing teeth. Crawling out from under the rock he slept beneath. He scratched his bald dome and old skin peeled off. He slurped up some kool-aid from his drinking trough. He saw Jill and smiled, wanting a good morning kiss. She warned him away with a sibilant hiss. Not being…