Biden’s Border
People are dying while our fearless leader is dithering. He should be under political fire and it should be withering. He should be impeached, for not honoring his oath. He should be in prison, out of office, or probably both. He’s neglected the border, he prefers all the chaos. He doesn’t care a damn bit…
What’s wrong with anarchy, peace had it’s chance. Let’s give hoodlums and deadbeats a reason to dance. As law abiding citizens we owe them a fair share. So leave your doors open, show them how you care. Let them waltz in and right out with your stuff. Give them your money, don’t try to get…
Satan Clubs
If you claim Satan is evil, they will call you insane. You’ll be denigrated for having God on your brain. They want Satan in schools, like he isn’t already there. He’s there influencing young minds, a cause for despair. He doesn’t want kids to be kids, he wants mindless bots. He wants twisted morals, he…
How Long Song
Where did our tax-dollars go, gone to war zones, poof they’re gone. Do you think we’ll ever know, why this war goes on and on. What are the children being taught, gender dysphoria and other rot. How long will this go on, before their identities are gone. What has become of commonsense, have we all…
A Slap in Our Face
He lurched around wretchedly, looking confused. I found myself thinking, is Joe Biden abused. A girl came up behind Joe, she passed him a phone. Joe Biden took it and like E.T. called home. The phone was his lifeline, he looked relieved. Besides Joe Being abused, I felt deceived. They tell us daily, Joe is…
Answer The Call
What if there was a call to arms, and nobody answered. Without American patriots, our republic is cancered. Full of those who want everything but give nothing back. Those who would succor our enemies if they attack. Those who rewrite our constitution to their own benefit. Who snuff the lifes of the unborn and care…
The Black Book
Epstein is back with a vengeance, can the pedos suicide him again. Can we first ask him, does he like the Hell he’s been in. Can he give us the names of all those he blackmailed. Can he tell us of the sick crimes and the perverts entailed. Someone had him killed, that someone had…
Day Dreaming
The demonrats smile and lie through their teeth. Then scurry back to the rocks they hide beneath. There’s no one more generous with other folks money. No one more adept at painting futures less sunny. They’re easy to locate just follow the cheese. And the waft of deep rot that rides on the breeze. Everything…
Selling Our Future
Ridiculous plots and ignorant schemes, mainlined straight into the American dream. Addicting young minds to hype and false hope, compromising their futures, their ability to cope. Just like real drugs taking over their minds, an insidious future is all they will find. They will rest on the laurels no one has earned, not realizing behind…
The Future Is Ours
We can’t allow the left to plan for our future, after changing history by rewriting our past. After turning our Godfearing heroes, into their version of social outcasts. We must not let our children be brainwashed, we can’t let our history be wrongly surmised. We can’t have it become part of a political agenda, that…