Off the Tracks
I loosened my tongue and I let’er rip, I was no longer a couch potatoe, I started to trip. I tore him up one side and down the other. I called him a communist dog, I disparaged his mother. I let him have it, I was sick of the lies, Every time the fool spoke…
The Bernie Book
It’s all right to be mad at Bernie, the capitalist communist crook. The hypocrite is raking in millions, off his “It’s Okay to Be Communist Book” He’s a leech who lives in a castle, while espousing his communist crap. Bernie lives high on the hog, wanting us to survive on socialist pap. He went so…
A Slice of Life
Throughout adolescence the idiot grew. Unerringly adopting the most assinine views He smiled and pandered with insincere words. His intelligence was stunted at least by a third. His parents at first, took all of the heat. Had they overloaded his system on sugary sweets. He was addicted to sugar loving that rush. His brain was…
A Mystery To Me?
He was found floating facedown in a pool of swamp scum. They couldn’t tell who he was or where he was from. A note tied to his back, said, he shouldn’t have talked. The first thing cops thought was, a Clinton was mocked. His body was bloated, stretched to the limit, ready to blow. One…
I lost my bearings, I wound up in L.A.. The stink in the air seemed there to stay. I could not smell the ocean, I smelled only pee. No more refreshing smell off the sea. No one seemed happy, nobody smiled. On the sidewalks human feces were piled. I saw people shooting drugs on the…
Peachy and Swell
Let’s require miniature gas tanks be put in new cars. Let’s make it completely impossible to drive very far. Let’s save the planet at the expense of the folks. Let’s kill any chickens laying eggs with two yolks. We don’t need to be wasteful, neither do chickens. We need watchable movies with plots that don’t…
Good vs Evil
Trump is a truth-teller, that’s no big surprise. Like George Washington he cannot tell a lie. Don’t believe what the liars say about Trump. Whatever happens they’ll wind up the chump. Trump is one step ahead of all of the fools. Trump knows how to play he has the right tools. Trump has the intelligence,…
Lifes Little Lies
The lies I keep hearing are driving me mad. The situation is sucking, it’s really quite sad. The system’s set up for democrat lies to succeed. A corrupt MSM and Joe Biden is all they need. Biden reads someone’s lies like a good little tool. He smiles and smirks, thinking he’s really cool. He dribbles…
Communist Virus
The schemers are plotting, they’re up in the night. With one goal in mind, destroying the right. With ideas mostly stupid, dimwitted at best. Befitting to no one, they’re nothing but pests. One plot after the other, they roll the crap out. It’s so damn obvious, what these fools are about. They’re after your dollars…
Working It Through
My situation is dire, nobody cares. I’m facing oblivion, no one despairs. I speak to deaf ears, nobody hears. I speak only truth, some say monger fears. My words are ignored, my thoughts are inspected. My morals are questioned, my motives rejected. I see in myself a person of faith. I’m a person of substance,…