Living With Idiots
Living with idiots aka living with todays commies. It’s a useless endeavor even for their own mommies. How does one live with fools that hate everyone. That want what you’ve got, or else want you gone. They’re in love with the fool they see in the mirrors. They love being scared by the Left’s mongered…
Will Donald Trump be arrested, will the left sink that low. That’s a damn stupid question because we all know. The left feels empowered, the demons are seizing control. Making an example of Trump is their ultimate goal. They are sending a message, a message meant for us. We are about to get run over…
Thoughts of Jill
Why was everyone laughing, was Joe the butt of a joke. This seemed to happen every time he misspoke. She heard guffaws and titters, some snickered away. She’d have them arrested, she would have her way. Joes feelers were hurting, his butt pained him too. He looked to his mommy to ask her what to…
Simple Truths
The Joker isn’t joking, the liars never lie. Drug addicts do drugs, those in denial, deny. The world keeps turning, the worm’s turning too. We hear talk of change, nothing is new. Promises made are soon promises broke. Lies are defended, someone misspoke. We’re happy with nothing, actually not. Government steals whatever we’ve got. Hands…
Ponder This
We think and we ponder, we ponder and think. We switch hands under chins, we hear our eyes blink. Our minds start to wander, we think about that. Sometimes we day dream, thinking, what’s up with that. We argue in circles, we then circle back. We argue about nonsense, always on the attack. One side…
God’s Word
We don’t need more diversity, we don’t need more inclusion. All this bullsh*t brings to the table, is growing confusion. We don’t need hundreds of genders, two genders is plenty. If you don’t like what you’re born with, chop it off when you’re 20. Quit grooming children with the evil crap you call science. Don’t…
Between the Lines
They talk of their Green New Deal, I think of con jobs and crimes. They Say “all democrats are honest”. I wonder who’s dropping dimes. When I hear democrats talk about unity, I think they’ve found a new way to divide. When anyone mentions CRT, I think of their racist black pride. When the left…
No Name Needed
Take your damn climate change , blow it straight up your a*s. Would that create another crisis, one you cannot let pass. I’ve read the Jan-6 report, you should try telling the truth. I find it impossible to swallow, like Scotchless Vermouth. I’ve heard enough of your pandering, your litany of lies. Your impersonation of…
An America Tale
From birth, he puzzled his mother, he worried his dad. He had an innate ability to drive them both mad. He said things he knew they did not want to hear. It broke both their hearts when his new gender appeared. His friends were all addicts, most of them thieves. Their arms covered with tracks…
Definition of Woke
My brother stood before me, spouting communist crap. I stood there thinking he needs a come back to reality slap. He stared at me vacantly and kept prattling away. Spewing Commie talking points, aka nothing to say. My parents were watching, my dad shaking his head. Your brother has lost his damn mind, my mother…