We? Who the Hell Are We?
We have biased idiots, we have compromised clowns, We have ugly men, wearing beautiful gowns. We have snakes in high places, weasels teaching in schools. We have broken systems, we have communist tools. We’ve got two-faced rinos and smarta*s baboons. We’ve got partisan jacka**es and outright buffoons. We have judgemental judges demonrats without souls. We…
Dumber Dumba**es
The dumba**es get dumber, tongues wag-wagging away. Emulating Joe Biden, with absolutely nothing to say. Yapping and squawking, making it up as they go. Always trying to sound smart about things they don’t know. It’s never enlightening, it might be good for a laugh. Biden reads what’s prepared for him by his stupida*s staff. It’s…
No Means No
No statement of goals. no realities pondered. No audits of Ukraine, has our aid been squandered. No words to the wise, To whom does Joe speak. These can’t be Joe’s actions, he seems far to weak. No one is laughing, although Joe’s such a joke. Here comes World War III, Joe’s going for broke. No…
Reckon I’m Right
I hear Joe’s voice inside my head, slurring, mumbling, nothing said. I see his grin in nightmarish sleep, a rictis of the living dead. I smell something rotting, wafting across the land. I feel confused by something I can’t understand. Why? I hear people ask. Are we being punished, if so for what. Are we…
Message # 3
Thou shall not believe lies, do your due diligence. Learn to separate truth from lies and irrelavance. Don’t let evil goverments subjugate your free will. Believing Lucifers lies will guide you to Hell. Thou shall not sell your soul for power or fame. Thou shall not deny God in Lucifer’ name. Look to the scriptures,…
The Donald needs satisfaction, long overdue recompence. For the lefts outrageous slander and untoward offence. For their constant scapegoating, their ongoing persecution. Trump is infuriated, no wander he demands and seeks retribution. The cowards must pay for dragging his name through the dirt. For their self righteous anger and the truth they pervert. Compared to…
Heads Must Roll
It’s absolutely incredible what the liars have done. How into an insurrection the Jan-6 protest was spun. The committee from Hell, the demonrat kangaroo court. In pursuit of “The Donald” they woudn’t stop short. They doctored the audio, they edited the video. They set up the whole thing in their demonrat studio. They brought in…
Who Controls Who
The Demons are happy with what the democrats do. There’s no doubt about who controls who. Democrat leaders are all compromised ghouls. Ready and willing to become Lucifers tools. The only thing missing is the horns on their heads. Or the proof of who’s really, sharing their beds. Like Senator swalwell and his cute Chinese…
Over and Over
Over and over the truth isn’t told. Over and over the bullsh*t is sold. A billion big lies are stored in their heads. Needing a crisis for them to get said. One manufactured, made up on the spot. The spreading of lies is all leftists have got.. Over and over they lie to our face.…
Joking Around?
The press was anxiously waiting for Joe to come out. He had a major announcement, no one knew what about. The TV cameras were rolling, Joe would be seen far and wide. Peter Doocy was expecting the general rant on white pride. Ideas of what Joe was up to were varied and many. Someone even…