Anti-Climatic Gore
Al Gore has crawled out from under his rock. He’s ranting and raving he’s in climate shock. The world is overheating, run for the hills. Come on now Al, shut up, sit down and chill. You’ve made your millions peddling snake oil. Show us a place you’ve seen oceans boil. Prove that the ozone is…
How Much More
How much damage have the demonrats done. How many morons can there be under one sun. How many useful idiots can one school graduate. How long can we wait, before it’s too late. When will eyes and minds open and cast off the yoke. See that being a dumba*s is the same thing as woke.…
A Warning
The left doesn’t want democracy, they refuse to speak truth. They want a suppressed proletariat and brainwashed youth. They prefer our armed forces protect them from the masses. They don’t believe in uniting, they want two separate classes. They want us to be peasants, while they’re the ruling elites. They want us happy with nothing…
They! Who the Hell Are They?
Consumers are creatures of habit, we want what we want. We don’t want deluded a-holes and the agendas they flaunt. My craw is my personal property, stick that up your butt. I’ve no time for your bullsh*t, so keep your mouth shut. I’ve had enough of your lies and your stupid pipedreams. You’re all bags…
Joey the Racist
Joe’s not fooling anyone except for himself. Whispering aside, he’s bad for our health. The whispering’s stupid, it’s nonsensical. For a pandering clown, he’s the perfect a-hole. Joe’s a frog in hot water that started out cold. Cooking his own goose in the bullsh* t he’s sold. Along with his democrat cronies and MSM hacks.…
The Culprit
Trump is always the culprit no matter what. Whatever he does gets the D-rats, bothered and hot. They start sweating bullets, the tizzies begin. Trump Derangement Syndrome, kicks in again. They’ve turned Trump into the real Teflon Don. No matter what’s thrown at him Trump marches on. Trump’s blamed for everything demonrats do. Anyone with…
We Deserve
We deserve transparency, we’re told there’s nothing to see. We’re told by bureaucrats how things are going to be. We deserve explanations, we’re fed gobbledgook. Although our heads are spinning, from listening to crooks. We demand our tax dollars are not frittered away. Yet the national debt press growing by billions each day. We believe…
Woke No More
I awakened one morning from a long senseless sleep. I felt I had an appointment I needed to keep. I realized this day was different, yet didn’t know why. The world looked different to my wide awake eyes. Outside I felt the warmth of the new day’s rising sun. Being outside this early was something…
Joe &Friday the 13th
It’s Friday the 13th what could happen today. Is another load of bad karma headed Joe’s way. Another box of stashed documents soon to be found. Secret Files Joe has misplaced: left kicking around. Will his stupid excuses, blow up in Joe’s face. Will Joe hideout in the basement in his safe space. Will the…
The Perfidy of It
The Left peddles death, they call it vaccine. Seems like a part of their depopulation scheme. Taking out the young in their prime of life. A stab to the heart by an implanted knife. Mandating a vaccine, one not fully tested. Speak out against it and you could be arrested. Joe Biden has taken it,…