Pants on Fire

The list seems to be endless, of the communist scum.
That kiss the demonrats a*s and beat their damn drum.
They know the truth but prefer to report only lies.
Who are they protecting, no one is ever surprised.
They've made their beds, in the camp of the left.
They refuse to see a political party of morals bereft.
Fake news is the truth, if they have fools who believe it.
They've latched onto deceit and the lies never quit.
Government corruption used to be a sought after story.
Now the press serves Satan, in pursuit of disglory.
They dishonour their heritage, mocking the truth.
Satan is now fully ensconced in the broadcast booth.
The almighty dollar has suborned journalists souls.
The truth has been sidelined for evil political goals.
In tandem with policies, the left has created in Hell.
The press has no more credibility, a harbinger of ill.
What becomes of a society that denies what they see.
That wants something for nothing and fake history.
The world being created will be Hell come to earth.
Where the lies reign supreme and truth has no worth.
The lies come thicker and faster, quick to the tongue.
Willing democrat sycophants gobble up verbal dung.
The lies are communist tools used to change the past.
How long can such a Bizarro world possibly last.
What goes around, comes around, truth will return.
The demonrat house of lies will crumble and burn.
 Broadcasters of lies will scamper back to their master.
The truth will be spoken by honest truthcasters.

D.L. Crockett -- 5/17/23