Persecuting the Donald

Six new Trump indictments, the demonrats overplaying thier hand.
They think we're really numbskulls, thinking we don't understand.
Their hand is a loser,  the fools are trying to bluff it through.
The Donald's popularity grows, every time they turn a new screw.
The Donald continues to smile his campaign full speed ahead.
He doesn't seem to be bothered by fools who's senses have fled
78 indictments in total, their furiously wagging the Donald again.
Diverting attention from Biden, who has another election to win.
Last election they straight up cheated, now they found a new way.
The persecution will continue, hoping Trump just walks away.
But the Donald's not budging, he'll never throw in the towel.
When he reclaims the oval office, the d-rats are going to howl.
The bombshells will keep dropping, CNNs fake news will return.
The demonrats will go insane, because again they got burned.
The best laid plans of demonrats and mentally ill pseudo-men.
Have blown up in their reptilian faces, when Trump wins again.
They'll go back to the think tank for more get Donald schemes.
More nonsensical bullsh*t, that will destroy their own dreams.
A thinktank full of democrats, sounds oxy-moronish to me.
When will these fools give up and let our next president be.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/2/23
