Perverted Pedos

Why do D-Rats accept perverts grooming young kids.
Why don't we do something beside flipping our lids.
We say we're angry, yet all the perversion gets worse.
Can't we save these kids put this crap in reverse.
Are pedos destined to become an accepted gender.
How fast can a frog, be poured through a blender.
What is it about sick, twisted creeps, democrats love.
They sure aren't a gift to us from heaven above.
They're trying to tell us, child molesters are good.
That we should accept them into our neighborhoods.
We need drag bars on corners, streetwalking whores.
We need it all in the open not kept behind doors.
We need sex changes for children, without parental consent.
Paid for by the government, every last filthy cent.
Democrats are bent on destruction, starting with morals.
They want us aquiescing, without righteous quarrels.
This crap starts in our colleges, filters down to grade schools.
Where perverts are brainwashing kids like evil ghouls.
Step out of line or object, they could take you away.
Free speech has become irrelevent, so watch what you say.
We'll soon have morality cops, who are amoral creeps.
Who are in training now, in the D.C. swamps deeps.
If nothing gets done, our future grows ever more bleak.
If we're bullied into conformity, too cowed to speak.
D.L. Crockett -- 12/1/22