Plenty to Say

I own less than nothing, but I have plenty to say.
I wish the demonrat leeches would just go away.
I hate a damn government that gets in the way.
I carry rattraps in my pockets, loaded with cheese.
Hoping to catch the damn thieves that never say please.
They acquire the right to our money at the stroke of a pen.
As Biden fawns to the camera with his murine grin.
He's doing the work of the devil, it's all he's ever done.
The perfect front man for Satan, with his fork tongue.
He smiles assuredly, and does as he's been told.
With the backing of Lucifer, his crimes have been bold.
He lies with abandon, his favorite stories are stolen.
He's a nonserious a*shole, who's self-ego is swollen.
 To get to the White House he cheated, stole the election.
MSM jumped on his bandwagon and lied with perfection.
Biden didn't win anything, obviously, he was installed.
Donald Trump had every right to be dismayed and appalled.
Now he's being persecuted, he believed he was robbed.
By fake news and demonrats he is constantly mobbed.
They stole the election, the left knows what they did.
Jan 6 was pre-planned and enacted to keep the truth hid.
It's the height of their hypocrisy, their unmatchable gall.
The evil plotting and schemes that form in their skulls.
Lets hope their scheme backfires, blows up in their faces.
Send these emboldened co*kroaches, to their safe spaces.
So, No I'm not happy, I've had enough of the Biden cabal.
I'm hoping theres a big change a year from now in the fall.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/28/23
