Ponder This

We think and we ponder, we ponder and think.
We switch hands under chins, we hear our eyes blink.
Our minds start to wander, we think about that.
Sometimes we day dream, thinking, what's up with that.

We argue in circles, we then circle back.
We argue about nonsense, always on the attack.
One side argues truth, one side defends lies.
One side uses fake tears, wiping dry eyes.

We often change subjects, we know how to deflect.
Important issues receive our total neglect.
No one is the wiser, niether side accepts blame.
When we argue with idiots, it's always the same.

Both sides cast aspersions, many hitting the mark.
Always looking for weakness,  we circle like sharks.
Warily watching , we think we're aware.
Both sides bury the truth no one wants to share.

Those on the sidelines, think, then they ponder.
Growing confused their thoughts start to wander.
Who are these idiots, what the hell's going on.
 Arguing over nothing, common sense is long gone.

The people get angry, they're not being heard.
The way the voters are treated is completely absurd.
The politcal hacks smile and continue to lie.
Disregarding the real tears constituents cry.

It's always campaign time, new promises spouted.
Nonexistent accomplishments, always are touted.
No one really wins, when we elect losers.
Political hacks and glad-handing schmoozers.

Our faces are smiled in, more lies are told.
More claptrap and gibberish the same lies resold.
No one can be trusted when dishonesty reigns.
And like American fools we hand them the reins.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/20/23