Prepping Joe

Biden saw a fool in his mirror, panicked, he asked who it was.
Jill said, "It looks like the fool on the hill, at least that's the buzz"
"He must have snuck in the bathroom, when you weren't aware"
I'm sure this isn't the first time, you've seen the fool there"

"It's time to get dressed Joe, hurry and wipe off that drool"
"Theres no time this morning for  playing with your stool"
"Jump in the shower, scrub that gum out of your hair"
" Hunter brought you a line to get rid of your vacant stare"

"Then it's off to the oval office, you can play with the football.
Don't press any buttons, you could do something really awful"
"Hurry and scarf down your Gerbers, don't throw it around,
you're tied into your highchair, so don't try to jump down.

"We're not playing games today, there will be no hide and seek,
the U.N. has been waiting patiently for a good laugh this week."
"Get your old butt out of the can, we must hit the road,
Don't embarrass us at the U.N. don't be dropping a load"

"The teleprompter's been prepped, don't screw this up,
you don't want the world to know you're an incompetent schlup"
"Lay off your old stale jokes, like your stupid, DON'T JUMP!
in other words, don't let everyone see, you're a senile old chump"

"If your speech is delivered without making me want to scream,
When we get home you'll be treated to pudding and ice cream"
"Hunter has promised to bring you one of his cola laced cookies,
I might make you a promise that you might get some nooky"

"Let's get this ball rolling Joey , the whole world is waiting,
don't mess up the teleprompter, you must be ingratiating"
"Remember the Obamas will be watching, don't make them mad,
don't forget that you are the puppet and Barrack is your Dad"
D. l. Crockett -- 9/26/23