Questions for Idiots

If you made your home in a desert, why complain of the heat.
If you're a born loser, you should be happy sucking hind teat.
If you build your house in the forest, why complain about fires.
If you're that frigging stupid, you should join the democrat choir.
If you build your house on a flood plain, why complain of the rain.
Have you ever thought you could have a malfunctioning brain.
If you build your house on the beach, have you heard of storm surge.
What kind of blithering idiot would have such a destructive urge.
If you listen to demonrats, shouldn't you expect them to be wrong.
that you made it this far in life, the odds probably weren't very strong.
If you voted for democrats, shouldn't you deserve what you get.
Unless you can be happy with nothing, like a braindamaged twit.
If you can't pay for your college loan, do you think its free money.
Did you get a crappy education, or are you just a big dummy.
These are questions for idiots, are you scratching your head.
I know commonsense is something you've been taught to dread.
Though you're the dregs of society, demonrats still want your vote.
 The day will come when you become they're willing scapegoats.
