Refloat the Boat

The back door is standing wide open, the front door is left ajar.
The Chinese are hacked into the pentagon, the left has gone to far.
We're set up for destruction, the Sword of Damocles over our heads.
Biden whistles through the graveyard, he sold us out to the reds.
The White House is dysfunctional, occupied by the criminally insane.
Joe's crimes are indefencible, He's split the country in twain.
The left's modus operandi is stupidity, wielded with ignorant skill.
How can they not know what's happening, see the harbinger of ill.
It's because the demonrats are implicated, Joe isn't acting alone.
When the Chinese are calling, Joe scurries to answer the phone.
The proofs in the pudding, hidden in overseas bank accounts.
Joe's sold us out for decades, raking in astronomical amounts.
Also known as filthy lucre, treason is a crime punished with death.
Joe's an ongoing menace to society, a toadie of Obama's left.
Are both sides of the aisle complicit, why isn't anything done.
Instead of impeaching Biden, they slap the wrist of his son.
It's sick how Joe grins in our faces, like he's the teflon crook.
It's time to put him in leg-irons and slap his face with the book.
It's time to destroy the deep state, send them scampering to their holes.
Then unburden the ship of state, get rid of the communist moles.
Slam the gate shut on the border, get the Chinese off of our grids.
Time to bring down the crime family, offer them a pro-quo-quid.
There's one way out of this mess, stand up, speak up and vote.
If our ship of state has been scuttled, we need to refloat the boat.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/2/23