Rino Serenade

Let's diss our constituents, with a Gop  screwing.
Let's pass huge omnibus bills without any reviewing.
Let's give the demonrats anything they want.
Then we all get together for tea and croissants.
Let's take pride in our rinohood and screw the people.
We are the elites and they're lowly sheeple.

Let's promise anything getting ourselves elected.
Then shrug our shoulders as they are neglected.
Us needing their votes can change on our whim.
 The next six or two years they can sink or learn to swim.
We go to Washington to make our lives better.
It don't help to write to us, we ignore your letters.

We're all greedy frauds, feathering our own nests.
Once we're ensconced, you're nothing but pests.
Your crys and complaints, fall on our deaf ears.
If there's lucre to gain, we'll sell out to our peers.
We're not here for you, we're not your scapegoats.
We don't even hide it, you're abused for your votes.

We have TDS syndrome, we hate Donald Trump.
We seek his endorsement to get over the hump.
We're beholden to nothing but our bank accounts.
Plus your wasted donations in enormous amounts.
Vote for us, it's your fault, we don't hide being rinos.
You'd be much better off to be voting for winos.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/4/23