Running the Show

Who the hell is calling the shots.
Who could it be pulling Joe's strings.
Who's dreaming up these asinine plots.
We know it ain't Joe who's running things.
Joe is visibly dying in front of our eyes.
The left won't admit it, they're too into lies.
Their problem with honesty endangers us all.
We're sick of these a-hole's, in our face gall.
Their minds are endarkened, we're in the dark.
Constantly yapping to hear themselves bark.
No one admits anything, we hear constant denial.
Demonrats are protected, they can't go to trial.
Who's got the brains, who hasn't been drinking.
Who pilots this ship, why is it sinking.
Isn't there one democrat who puts America first.
Not one true patriot without a powerful thirst.
A hunger for power, fed by self-serving greed.
Who believes communism is what we all need.
Where's the compassion the left ballyhoos.
Why aren't American values, taught in schools.
Why talk about unity, with plans to divide.
Why abandon your souls for self-serving pride.
Who disses America and slanders her people.
Who turned their base into leeches and sheeple.
Whose rat brains are busily thinking up lies.
Who's into the art of deceit and all it implies.
Who overreaches, always going far too far.
Are demonrats aware, who's driving the car.
Do they know it's Lucifer, who is behind it all.
Has the left sold it's soul, now in Satan's thrall.
Or is it a new age of evil spawned by the left.
A whole generation endarkened, of morals bereft.
Inquiring, unclouded minds, really do want to know.
If it isn't Joe Biden, who in hell is running the show?
D.L. Crockett -- 7/22/23