Say Who

Thriving in ignorance, blossoming in the dark.
Reveling in incompetence, circling like sharks.
Hypocritical bastar*s, Quick casting blame.
High handed morons, playing their games.
Bootlicking gophers, serving their master.
In their wake leaving, a long line of disasters.
Employed with our money, we get nothing back.
Smiling in our faces, soulless political hacks.
Lifelong politicians, useless wards of our state.
Nest feathering thiefs, self-serving ingrates.
Woke, pandering cretins, fear mongering fools.
Something for nothing, disregarders of rules.
Elitist, societal scum, the cream of the crop.
 Won't be caught dead in a mom and pop shop.
Mechanical smiles, chockful of shemes,
Loaded up on the crack, so many pipedreams.
Dysfunctional families, crooks and buffoons.
perverted degenerates, transgender baboons.
Groomers of children, falsifiers of creds.
Voting for democrat losers , love the braindead.
Quick with the promises, only more words.
Masters of subterfuge, meanings are blurred.
Hard to believe, undeserving of our trust.
Losers and schmoozers, definitely lower crust.
Self styled leaders, preening in mirrors.
Always found missing when the smoke clears.
Graceless and faceless, swamp critters all.
Nothing but sh*t that stuck to the wall.
Elected by morons, whose bars are set low.
Too stupid to realize, they love a clown show.
No value returned, destruction looms near.
They crowd the bars, crying fake tears in beers.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/10.23